Pole Magnet Checkmate Shoot Blog Post-Pillar Erection Mast Staff Woody Boner Message Delivery Slice of Toast Cut Section Blade Scythe Slit Slip Tool Member Syringe Micro Lance Piston Hypodermic Sharp Knife Sword Blade Skewer Scalpel Tip Junk Yard Tooltip Pin Cripple Ripple Point Prick Spike Cactus Point Teeth Locksmith Pickar Chisel Hack Saw Chain Saw Microscopic Spot Bit Byte Biter Mosquito Throw Missile Conscious Nail Digit Finger Solder Iron Silver Needle Bayonet Spear Axe Segment Selection Matrix Port Selector Mixer Unit Switch Opposite Obstacle Counter Anti Pro Con Fuck Stick Bullet Proof Flame Proof Water Proof Shock Proof Future Proof Pilot Pen Squawk Code 7500 Seven Five Man With A Knife Profane Pen Shakespeare Macbeth Romeo Juliet Arrow Heart Pump Red-Stop Traffic Passion-Go Vocabulary-Constabulary Mind Police Thought Police Audio Book Mind Reader Telepathy Silver Door

Saturday 19 November 2016

My Calendar Birthday Date 20 November 1968 Wither Two Other Calendar History and Sport

Find My Birthday Here
20 November 1968 -- 6:30 AM at Shoreham Hopeital Place of Birth
Look Like Like Like I'm 48 Soon
48 Is Sunday 2kSixteenth

----Text Copy in Calendar Page----
In Google Chrome Calendar, You Got to Be Logged in with a Gmail Account Not Visitor for Public-ing

And For -- What For -- Not By a Grin Book FB Space Book Cadet Land Terra Firma HQ
WSP PHP Robot -- Well I Move the Date To --ME Only-- View
After Someone Cousin Talk About It
Paul Nicklen - Dare you to take your birth date off your Facebook...
Hi Paul Hi Room

Last Bit Of URL Hacking From Embed to HTML Was Easier
Thank You For the Reminder Earlier Today Day Before
Never Thought Take as Long Though
Sorted That Mission
Hi Room and Paul Nicklen That Was Quite Easy... - Matthew Lancaster
Good Night Morning
Space Book Land FB Grin Book HQ Terra Firma
Sat 19 November 2016 06:02:02----------
06:02:12 - DarkNess! 91.279%, Opposite = 9%
06:02:38 - Sun Rise . 7 20 and 17 Seconds
06:02:44 - Sun Noon . 11 44 and 17 Seconds
06:02:44 - DarkNess! 91.338%, Opposite = 9%

Notice I Never Place a Text on Genda RelationShape Preference View At Girn Book FB
As I Knew Trouble You Unable to Remover Only Change and Also, Not Changeable Public Vice Versa
Here Quote Texter -- "Add who you're interested in"

And I Seen Some Cringe-Worthy Answer in that TextBox
Like a Social Worker -- Has -- Anything Goes or Best of Both or Whatever It Arrive
Word of that Type Effect

Star Sign -- Zodiac Signer
Chinese Chart -- Chinese Crackering
Star Sign Of Later First Half of Month
Next One is About 2 Day After
a Water Sign of Female Yin Yang and of November Winter
8th Scorpio Oct23 Nov21 Water Sign Ruled by Pluto: The Scorpion
Would BE Able Think Scorpion is a Fire Sign being Flame Resistor

That Would Be Water Sign
12th Sign Pisces Feb19 Mar20 Water Sign Ruled By Neptune: The Fish
4th Sign Cancer Jun22 Jul22 Water Sign Ruled By Moon: The Crab

Cancer is the fourth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer.
It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac,
between 90 and 120 degrees of celestial longitude. Wikipedia

Also, Would Thinker Water Be Here to -- Aqua -- Air
11th Aquarius Jan20 Feb18 Air Sign Ruled by Uranus: The Water Bearer

And Then The Fire Sign
1st Aries Mar21 Apr19 Fire Sign Ruled by Mars: The Ram
5th Leo Jul23 Aug22 Fire Sign Ruled by Sun: The Lion

3rd Referee Rhymer
Plate of Fish Plaice --
Plaice - Wikipedia
The European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a right-eyed flounder belonging to the Pleuronectidae family. They are a commercially important flatfish which lives on the sandy bottoms of the European shelf.

12th Sign Pisces Feb19 Mar20 Water Sign Ruled By Neptune: The Fish

Anybody is Welcome to Leave Birthday Message Post But Not Header with the Grin book FB Robot Generator One
Cheeky Asking to Think of Me
Like When Company Supporting Charity Ask Want Post Mail Reply Not Wanter and Christmas Card Instead OKAY Cheeky
Aside -- Anybody Are Welcome to Push Button Digit Send on My Birthday

Use My Birthday 20 November Age Calculator
Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results
Roids Polaroids Mach 2: My Calendar Birthday Date 20 November 1968 AGE 48 Near

I Found It Not Be Possible to Share Calendar Event as a Link Or Else It Want to enter It as a Copied to Event in Your USER Calendar
So This Be Only Way With an Embed Publish for a Web Page
I Notice Recently That Google and Grin Book are the Same as You Able Embed It Out But Not In
But And Not Sure as Many Big Company Seem to Do That on Grin book Space Book Land

Another Note Might as Well Say_ It Here
In Grin Book I'm Only Allowed on a Certain Page Setup To View Maximum 30 Contact from Scripture List Friend ---- But Unlimited Page Fan Pager
Of Which FBPurity FB-Purity's Only Known Thing Around to Deal With them Blocker

Also, Edit In -- I Got a Big Calendar Of History Event Mostly Far History and Up to Modern
With About 20k Event of On This Day Repeater Built For Google Calendar
I Could Save It as a ICAL File to Import Download Somewhere
Other Wize Your Able to Add as To Your USER Calendar But Not Able to Get Notification From It Unless Is Importer to You
Learn Something Would Export Import as a ICS File
The Date Range Went Up to 31 Jan 2013
I'll Let You Know If I Modify Again
Add on More Year
Able to Have Private URL and One That Has Public Event-or
The Public Be Either ICAL or HTML Embed
Here a Paste from Label Calendar
Insert HTML Calendar Under The Other One and Two Together

Large Database of History Events And Birthday
Large Birthday and Mostly History Event To Modern Age and Mostly Far History
This Is Enough For About 20 Event Per Day
Modified Edit Available
Mon 24 October 2016 13:18:37----------
Fri 18 November 2016 13:43:59----------
Event Message 1 Day before at 21:00
and Ten 10 Minuter
Not Sure If Require a Tweek to Append It Over Every Year As It USER Is Set for a Few Year Before Ending 31 Jan 2013
All Event Will Be One Whole Day
I Used to Send These to My Mobile  a Day and Free On Google Drove Them Nutty With Playing Around to figure it all Out and Sender Me Other Message
So They Stopped It Because Free and Claim It Everyone Got a Smart Phone or I-Phone Now a Day

Also, The Working Of Calendar
Is Most Detail Are Public But Not Detail Only Header Info
Either Public or Private
and Individual Item Private
Anybody Person on Guest Don't Modify Anything Unless Asked to
Person With Addressed Contact Email Are Able to View and Do Maybe More Like
Like Like Like Managing and See All Event Detail if Setter
Not Sure About If Guest to Event Is Allow to Override View Detail Of Event That is Hiden

Last Edit
Sat 19 November 2016 01:18:30----------
One Thing to Note If an Event Date Calendar Is Made Public to View
Anybody Able to See the Guest Scripted
That About It On That Gorgeous One
Testing At Three Level -- Public Guest Not Logged In and An Account That Has Login With Chrome Gmail But Not Connected and Third Last Of All

Another Note Might as Well Say It Here
In Grin Book I'm Only Allowed on a Certain Page Setup To View Maximum 30 Contact from Scriptor List Friend ---- But Unlimited Page Fan Pager
Of Which FBPurity FB-Puritys Only Known Thing Around to Deal With them Blocker
Like Being at School Not More than 30 to a Class
Able to Have Many Contact a Want
Not Allow Request to Someone Your Not Know of That Well or Complaint Happen
Allowed to Ask As Many Follower As You Want
Look at the Owner Space Book Grin Book FB Land Terra Firma HQ
What You Gonna Do With All Them Follower Read All Their Comment
Or Hire Someone to do Your Lazy Work
Idle Hands Are the Devil Workshop
The Corrupted Fortune Five Hundred
Nothing Money Unable to Buy
Leave the Economy Squeezer to the Limit
-- Limited Taste the Product
Sniffs the Paper
Social News Media
Social Engineering Media
Social Reverse Engineering Media
Class Room Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall
More Manageable Data Traffic - Fat Controller -- Wizard of OZ
How Long Does It Take You All To Write and Have It Hoovered UP Siphoned Off
Edit Order 9:58 Pm ---- Fri 18 November 2016 21:58:59----------
The Female at Home Gas Chat Gob Talking -- Without a Method of Train of Thought
Watching Terestrial Set Does That ---- Suffer
And The Other Extreme So Much Text ---- and Hard to Gain Your Train of Thought
Penny For Your Thought
Written Clearly Without a Train of Thought Loss
Cover the whole Picture
Aside -- from the Edit Order Clearly Mostly Dated and Time
Fri 18 November 2016 22:07:33----------
and Over and Hour of Telecom Use one Project
Male and Female Gas GOB Walking Down the Street With a Shot Your Ear Off and a Lingering After Stink of Can Still Hear Long After Past Still Going Shelling Out Cash From Talker While Walking Along the Street and On -- In -- On Top of The Bus
Fri 18 November 2016 22:07:33----------
Date and Time Especially Nearer The End
and Most Important to Timer
It Like a Concise and Left Something Out -- Without
Concise to Fault Finder Lacking Info Make Mistake
Expert Concise to a Fault -- If the Recipient Read Her Wrong -- It Then The Fault of the Delivery
Making appointment Example -- Look as Though a Little Detail Missing
I Write All This And Don't Have as Much Time to Read You All

So That Mean Unless See a Notification in the Instant It Pop On Screen
I Will Miss and Awful Lot
Some Never Appear in the Wall Feed Of Mine
Even After Soon as Happen and as I Clearly Read them Nothing Much to Read
Your own Space Book Fan Not Bother Reply to Any If They Not Shared in My Wall
Not Much Able to Do About Her -- If only 30 Top Contact Appearing

Been Playing With My Address Book Gmail an Hour Still Categorizing
I Found You Can Group a Whole Set as One Contact for Mail Merging Guess Got to Have Personal Name Address Mail Merge And Signature

And Then When Import a Set From Like Like Like Yahoo They Wait in a Folder and Ask You When You Want to Merge Them and For Duping
Trying to Sort  Program that Does My Samsung into a Sync Address Book Contact Between Yahoo and Google Chrome I Found Out that was Reason to Buy One as Able to Do That Thing Not Found it Yet

Note everybody on My Guest Script Has Not Got a Google Calendar of 24 Person
But Will Still Get a Year Reminder About Event
As The Star Next to Indicate Not Available Email
When Get Notify Like My Sister Marianne Has Available View Of Them and Access Them

Anyhow I Got to Broadcast this Up
Because a Publish of One Event Only Has a Button to View Or Add to Calendar Of Own
to Show, the Text Readable Would be a Calendar Publish Only of Current Day

Do a Tester Workout 1 2 3 4 Musical Score
And If I Put I'm Available to Attend a Event I Set up and Has With Guest
The Guest Wont See It Available Anymore Unless They Accept Themselves
The Rest From That Look as Busy
If Not Public Setting and Also The Info About Share Whole Calendar Public But Not Detail
Will Not Show Any Detail Except Busy Not Even Header With Busy an Only Time of Event
Have to Sort Through as Many Event Might want to Show
And Default is Available but and Not set Public Showing as Busy Not Detail Showing
And the Calendar Mention Before Here Won't Button to Event or Link HTML With Intent of Link Your Calendar
If Not got an Google Chrome Account And Will Show Public With Embed HTML
Also The Talk Of Email Account Not a Type Of Gmail With Calendar For Guest
May Also Show -- Calendar Won't Show "* Symbol" Because They Guest Might Not Accepted Event YET
Also, I Learn How to Put The Vicious Calendar in "Agenda" Best Presentation Pleasure For View of the Past
On Another Note I Not Been Around the Writing Here Much and Not Enought Time Reader
Setting Up Computer -- In and Out -- Off and On -- Pro and Con
and Also I Been Checking Many Software Very Quality
and Shall Make a Colgate a Compilation Collection Put Soon

Fri 18 November 2016 09:42:04---------- Editor Other Thing Around the Home
Fri 18 November 2016 10:15:00---------- Play Address Book Contact
Fri 18 November 2016 13:16:44---------- Editor Fact and Info Finding With About the Calendar
Fri 18 November 2016 14:05:00---------- Bit Long Work For a Telecomm Hour
Fri 18 November 2016 15:04:10---------- Bit Long Work Out For a Telecomm Hour
Fri 18 November 2016 05:15:00 pm ---- Testing Working QC
Fri 18 November 2016 17:04:06---------- Fault Finder Job Edit in Below
Fri 18 November 2016 22:30:27---------- Near Done
Fri 18 November 2016 23:35:31---------- Near Done -- Going To Bed As Soon as Woken Up
Sat 19 November 2016 00:04:20---------- Done Published One Working Font Sizing Largest
Sat 19 November 2016 00:13:08---------- Publish Blogger Going -- Unable to Triple Spell Checker Not at Moment
Get It Done Before Mid-Nighty Mid-Night-Gown -- Friday Saturday Early Hour

Good Mid-Night Friday Approaching Saturday Planing For Bed
Hamster Wheel Of This Code Software
and Catch 22 My Bigger Quicker Computer Is Down In Maintenance Mode Looking Over
and Still Like To Play Here for Productivity Solution
Few Handful Raisin To Eater -- Bag Keep Going
Raisin - Wikipedia
Round It Up Wrapper
Write as Page With Testing First and as a Publish Blogger
It Was Only Meant to Be a Publish Page That Was It -- Not Blogger
Cinderella Just Missed the Bell Of Mid-night
Burn the Candle Both End
Time To Switch on the Transmitter
Oh Well
Time For Transmitter Recipient Receiver
Visually Stunner

Keep Your Spirit High
23:37:00 - TIME # 23 To Midnight
23:37:10 - DarkNess! 49.150%, Opposite = 51%
23:38:00 - TIME #20 two Minutes To Midnight
23:40:00 - TIME #20 Minutes To Midnight
23:40:49 - DarkNess! 49.550%, Opposite = 50%
23:41:00 - TIME # 19 To Midnight
23:42:00 - TIME # 18 To Midnight
23:44:00 - TIME #11 44
23:44:29 - DarkNess! 49.951%, Opposite = 50%
23:45:00 - TIME #Quarter to MidNight
23:45:06 - Friday 18th of November
23:45:23 - Difference of Difference Between DayLight From Day Before, = 2 Minutes & 46 Seconds Darker
23:45:24 - DarkNess! 50.051%, Opposite = 50%
23:45:48 - Quarter to MidNight And 48 Seconds
23:45:56 - Now Waning Gibbous 17 November 08:29 am
23:46:00 - TIME # 14 To Midnight
23:46:02 - Next Last Quarter 21 November 08:34 am
23:47:00 - TIME # 13 To Midnight
23:47:27 - Sun Rise . 7 20 and 17 Seconds
23:47:37 - Sun Noon . 11 44 and 17 Seconds
23:47:46 - Sun Set . 4 o 7 and 58 Seconds
23:47:46 - DarkNess! 50.310%, Opposite = 50%
23:48:00 - TIME #12 Minutes To Midnight

Now Waning Gibbous @ 17 Nov 08:29:00
Next Last Quarter @ 21 Nov 08:34:31
in 2 Days 08:45:10 H-M-S
Luminosity Now x0x__%
New Moon Age 19.26 Day's
Angle Of Illumination x0x

Uni-Time (UT GMT Solar Atomic) 18-Nov-16 23:49:21
The UK TimeZone GMT UTC+0 WET

From 9 to 22 Near Whole Day But 9 Hour Less Is Over 12 Hour
How Long Did You Watch TV Terrestrial Set For Today
The Pleasure Presentation Is All For The Observer and
All Mine in the Creating and Offering
Stand the Test of Time

Fault Find Last Second Testing
If I Add Certain Element to My Calendar 01 of 02
Which Include
Any Sport Football to Cricket and World Cup and Rest of World All Six Including England Sport
And Then It Will Not Show Graphic Proper
And Them is Only When In Guest Mode As a Public
If You Got Chrome and Gmail Login It Is Normal On That One
And It Took a Lot Of HTML EMBED Shifter to Tester It All
Next Alternative is Split into 3 Three Mode
So Here I Go
Paste -- Where do You Want Her -- Hitt an Miss Improver
Tester QC to be Compatible
or Some Button Missing and Other Thing Date Selector

Hassle Problem
One of The Extensions Chrome Has Got My Hot Key For Paste Plain Text CTRL Shit V
Pain Hurt Hour -- Found My Code Able Pick Up The Last Clipboard and Plainer Text It
Only Worked the First Time Of Course -- Been Meaning to Do That Thing

Order As Arrive ---- In HTML Emed-er Designer
1.... World Cup Qualifying Europe -- Archive Past Event Are Removed Few Month After
Past ---- England (0) @ Slovenia (0) When Tue, 11 October, 19:45 – 21:45
Past ---- Malta (0) @ England (2) When Sat, 8 October, 17:00 – 19:00
Past ---- Scotland (0) @ England (3) When Fri, 11 November, 19:45 – 21:45
Future -- Lithuania @ England When Sun, 26 March 2017, 17:00 – 19:00
2.... FFIA World Cup Nothing Ever Happen to Here -- Past or Now And Next Future
-------- Go Back 4 Four Year 4 Year and Nothing Planed to Approach Here
3.... UEFA European Championship
---------- England 1 Iceland 2: England crash out of Euro 2016 in Nice
---------- Iceland (2) @ England (1) When Mon, 27 June 2016, 20:00 – 22:00
---------- Got to the Final and Crasher
---- Here Is The Sport Cricket -- England --- Ireland and Scotland 01 to 04 Order Move 03 & 04
4.... Cricket 01 of 04 -- England is Busy in India
5.... Cricket 02 of 04 -- Ireland Move Around a Bit Recently Hong Kong and South Africa September
Six. Cricket 04 of 04 -- Rest of The World--Heading -- Cricket -- Nothing Happen Here Past or Planing Ahead Check Few Year
7.... Cricket 03 of 04 -- Scotland Hing Kong September United Arab Emirates August
8.... World Cup Entire FIFA_W CUP
Hockey Is Only American -- Navy Like Like Like Hockey in Portsmouth The UK
Rugby -- What Team Name Is There For England Or Wales
Some Reason All The Subscribed Rugby Doesn't Show to Embed
Count the Debugger Spotting
Also, Brighton and Hove Albion With Two Subscribe Link
---- English Championship League
---- English League Cup

Got a Fault For a Long Time I Remember
Not Able to Have a Link to Subscribe Proper
Not Able to Master Put Them in -- In Hope They Fixer Later -- Not with Fault There
Google Embedded Calendar Helper
Google Calendar
Parameter Error
Invalid calendar id: -------- 01 of 02 -- English League Cup
Parameter Error
Invalid calendar id: -------- 02 of 02 -- English Championship League
Put Enough Interest Attention In And They Might Get Their Ass In Gear and Fixer
Although It Is Able to Slot Them Albion in The Calendar You Have to See Working Arrive
And Also, Two Christ Holiday Calendar Show at the Embed Designer and Maybe the Calendar But They Are Identical Except for a Colour Change
Also, The Same For Holidays In the United Kingdom Only Difference is Colour Setting

Also, After This I Got to Add a New Anchor Code as 3 Big Frame Form Wont index Find That Well
and First time to Use Method in Blogger Hope It Work That One
Been Mean to Do For Other
Also, In Fact I Might Do That Anchor Later Work Around 9:53 pm All Day
Fri 18 November 2016 21:53:00----------
Not Sure if Weather Met Office Is Where I Want Location "Nevez" -- Sun Rise and Set Would Be "Shoreham"
Now Changer ---- Weather: Mariënheem -- check out result Later When Runner
Interesting Country Pair Near Luxembourg For Atomic Clock Maybe
and Former West Upper Closest Tip Of France "Nevez" Near Our Shitty The UK MUCK FC
And The Second 2nd Two Calendar Are Best Show in Month View And Not as Many Sport Event
You Can User Switch It "Agenda"
After This I Got So Many Work On I Don't Know Where to Start
Not Any Rest for the Out of Work -- Double Standard
Set the Date Where To Begin To Offer With Publish Button Presentation Would Make Better
or Always Current
Sun Rise Must Come Off -- Gets in the Way

Next Editin Order ----
I Ender Using WinMerge
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe
Compare When Update Two Text Between Blogger and Here
Make It Proper Compare
Good Work My Recent Code Now Shoves It In From Last Two Clipboard Checker Going

Lost a Friend On Grin book FB Today Been Liking His Music Throw On Name is Richard
He Wanted His Account Shut down Idiot Has Been Talk About It

Cover the Whole Picture Phew.. Matthew.. Exhausted.. Dino Fuel..
Missed Breakfast -- Half Eaten

---- Rather Disappointing to Show Here the Single Button Embed and also the HTML Link Calendar
Not Much Without Text -- Hard Work Event Publish -- Picture Talk a Thousand 1000 Word
---- Also, Not Sure About the Mobile View Looking But I Do Know My 2nd Mach Version Blogger DE-Bugger Spotter  is Better Design to Show Them -- got a New Extension Arrive That Swap in and Out of Mobile View Not Sure Where it is YET
---- Also Included Here is a Link to Google Own Calendar Creation and Is a HTML Link Without Embedding Em-bedder -- But Later That Special One Run Out Of Time
Always Add in Later
Fri 18 November 2016 22:30:27----------


---- 01 of 02 -- BUTTON

---- 02 of 02 -- HTML
---- Look Here My Calendar Set 01 of 03 ----
---- This Calendar Include -- Here Script -- Date Calculator 01 to 08 ----
1---- * DAT This History Date One
2 ---- Two Type of Christian Holiday
3 ---- All My Personal Contact Info Date and Time Preper
4 ---- 5 Type of England Sport Event Cricket Rugby Footer and World Cup Sport
5 ---- 2 Type of UK Holiday
5.5ab Six -- Phases of the Moon 4 Type -- Jaffa Cake Class Room Teacher -- Not Eight Type Not Too Frequently Freq Like Not Use Sun Rise Sun Set per Day Also That Reason Freq It
7 ---- Rest of The World -- Something to Do With Sport the URL Tell -- Yes That one is Idiot Cricket
8 ---- Also I Add Holiday For Most Favourite of Mine Country Where Electronic Dealing With and Other -- Person Dialling My Telephone Venezuela Nicaragua Netherlands
and Australia of Course
In Fact whole Script List out of Interest
All Sport Not Included Script List of 01 of 03
Sport Is In The Last One 03 of 03 -- Builder UPPER Suspense Anticipation
* DAT --------------------------------------- My History Event Script Set Not Included is Be In 02 of 03
Brighton & Hove Albion ----------------- Spectator Sporting -- Saver__s
Brighton & Hove Albion ----------------- Spectator Sporting -- Saver__s
Christian Holidays
England ----------------- Spectator Sport -- Football -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
World Cup Qualifying Europe
England ----------------- Spectator Sport -- Football -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
UEFA European Championship
England ----------------- Spectator Sport -- Football -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
England ----------------- Spectator Sport -- Cricket -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
Hebrew Calendar -- Not Included My Namesake Hebrew Descendant -- Cup of Fusion Tea Stain Pint
Holidays in Australia
Holidays in China
Holidays in Egypt
Holidays in France
Holidays in Greece
Holidays in Greece
Holidays in Greenland ---- and The North Pole
Holidays in Hong Kong
Holidays in Ireland
Holidays in Italy
Holidays in Luxembourg
Holidays in Nicaragua
Holidays in San Marino -- Wonder Maybe Why Milan Is Capital of  Italy Also I Been Here Holiday
Holidays in Singapore
Holidays in Spain
Holidays in Switzerland
Holidays in Taiwan
Holidays in Thailand
Holidays in the Netherlands
Holidays in the Russian Federation
Holidays in the United Kingdom
Holidays in Venezuela
Holidays in Vietnam
Ireland ----------------- Spectator Sport -- Cricket -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
Jewish Holidays ----- In The Runner To The New Year
Phases of the Moon
Rest of the World ---- Spectator Sport -- Cricket -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
Scotland --------------- Spectator Sport -- Cricket -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s
Stardates -------------------------------- Not Included
Sunrise/Sunset: Shoreham-by-Sea -- Not Included
Weather: Mariënheem
World Cup ------------ Spectator Sport -- Football -- Couch Potato -- Spec Saver__s

Also, Not Included included Here But Maybe Interesting
1 ---------
Hebrew Calendar Has Name Each Month and Number Change Few Month Due in October
Another Note Event Planning By Google Operator Don's Talk More than After Step Over New Year
2 ---------
Stardates in Google Calendar
Captain's Log: Google Calendar Now Knows That It's Stardate [-28]01210.00 | TechCrunch
Noter About Stardate Here -- My Massive History Collection Must Pay Credit From Where I WSP WWW Riped It From Later -- Find -- Browser Go Get Fetch Browser Slurp
And I Would Requiring Update and Move the Date Every Year Repeat Looping
YES It Was Done Called *DAT For a Reason Title
And Talk Were About Telephone SMS-ing Getting On Google Company Stressor
3 ---------
Jewish Holiday Might Be More Far Out and Involve With Moon Than Mainstream One Not Includer
Also, The Set 01 of 03 Here is Much Hardcore Control Mouse With a Scroll-able Frame Other Two are Fixed Month Boxed In So Make Height Smaller 700x550 Width x Height
Got Endless Scroll With a Stop I Have Measured the Date Limit Of Google Calendar for Far Out Date User Before

Also, I Don't Think Even The Most Public Setting Will See Contact Info From Address Contact Booker
---- Look Here My Calendar Set 01 of 03 ----
My Calendar For My Birthday I am about to Arrive 20 November 2k-Sixteenth

---- Ender Set 01 of 03 -- My Birthday Info

---- My Calendar 02 of 03 History Event Info
Large Database of History Event Set And Birthday Later Not So Many Modern Age and Mostly Far History Rewind to 31 Dec 2013 and Before -- A Couple of Year or a Year
Included Here Also To Fill a Blank a Present Current Day Have This One
* DAT --------------------------------------- My History Event Script Set Not Included is Be In 02 of 03
Christian Holidays
Hebrew Calendar -- Not Included My Namesake Hebrew Descendant -- Cup of Fusion Tea Stain Pint
Holidays in the United Kingdom
Jewish Holidays ----- In The Runner To The New Year
Phases of the Moon
Sunrise/Sunset: Shoreham-by-Sea -- Not Included
Weather: Mariënheem
a Note -- Easy Flip Back to Year 2012 by Month View
2nd Note -- The * DAT Was Because Begin Of Line Had to Compact a Lot of Info in a Short Space
There You Get a Numeric Value ID KEY for Unique Date Event and Then Follow The Date 
Not to Confuse With Date Time Sent to Notifier on Telephone
3rd Note -- As You See -- There Are Around 20 to 40 On This Day Event Every Day
and I Expanded the Box in Month View to Maximum to Load More On 
The Dimension Box Window is 700 x 1999 Width Height
---- My Calendar 02 of 03 History Event and Birthday
---- Including Birthday Celebrity Info

---- Ender Set 02 of 03 -- History Info
Next One Third and Ender
---- Sport -- Saturday Set 03 of 03 
It's a Kick Off -- Knock Out 
Ball Rolling -- Rock Rolling
Half Time Fine -- Rock Around the Clock
The ragged rascal ran - Google Search
English Tongue Twisters

---- The UK Here Get Given Cricket For the Rest of Year and March 2017 Football

---- Ender Set 03 of 03 -- Sport

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