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Monday 26 March 2018



Some literacy grammar

Roids Polaroids Minimal HardCore: PSYCHIATRY UNDERSTANDS NOTHING -- Part 2

Double Words and Other Like
Mental Illness, Depression Are Adjectives that describe behaviours
Behaviour is Protocol
Also Known as Labels Names

When You Get a Label a Name Pigeon Holed Away
The Old School Child Saying
Sticks and Stones Break My Bones But Names Don't Hurt Me
When You Get a Label at the Beginning You Gets a Chemical Cosh Until You Refuse and Stop This Coshing Truncheon Baton
Using a Label and then Attacking someone with a Stick is Bullier where the Rhyme Comes in Above
While in The Process of Socket on the Truncheon They Use Accuses Like Some People Like Them

Trying to Turn the Table and To Look Like They are Doing a Good Working and Make You Feel Guilty That you Had Something But Want to Take it Away From Others Like a Spoiled Brat of Something

Go To Hospital and You Find People With Infinitely More Desperate Circumstances and in With Only Justly their Head Above Water
That Would Be Called the Humbling Experience

The Paragraph Above One about Guilty 
The Staff When They Have Someone Sensible in There 
Helps Them Out
But They Don't Pay You Any Credit For it 
Instead, you get Chemical Cosh and they Desperately want to keep it that 

There wasn't an Improvement in your behaviour (deterioration word and danger to other) at the stage of Admission So They are Calling for Your Help

But Not Giving Nothing of Reward in Return
Things Improve for them all the Time 
But they Never Pass on that Improvement to Patient

Ultimately if Danger is the Word about an Admission
which is Both a Danger to Others or Yourself
and on Another Level that Can Unfold to Three Level
when Someone is a Danger to You
Ultimately if they Can't Explain by communication what Bottom of this Danger is after Initial Triggered it with some petty Accuses for gaining an admission
And then Ultimately it is them that is the Danger 
And the Hospital Environment is a Dangerous Place which should be only used if all else reasonable and unnecessary and not a decision made lightly at All or at Least or None

Remember they wouldn't Do it To Themselves

And Remember when they Avoid the Third Issue a Danger Might Be From Somebody Else They Are Trying to Exclude Them __ Bullying and a Certain Respect where Pecking Order has Existed All You Liver 

You Don't Want to be Called Traitor when you meet your friends walking down the street one day or face to face at the shopping market counter
Why Did You Run Away and Talker to the Phoney Police
Don't Be a Phoney 
Don't Get Involved with them
Keep It We Contact You - You Don't Contact US
Don't Be a Phoney Plastic Fakery
Never Give your Telephone Number for them to USE
It's Your Rental Line Not the Hospital
Never Let Them Call You Not the Charlatan Doctor
Never call Them Never the Charlatan Doctor
Keep It I Never Called You For a Thing Ever
It's Your Telephone Line Your the Boss
But I Haven't Got Anyone to Talk to All Honesty
Keep Your Humour
Don't Let Them Get Your Mind

And the Paragraph Above About Guilty 
They Lead Double Lives 
Because the Chemical Cosh Is Never Something they want to Be in the Position Of Getter Themselves
The Lead Double Lives to Such an Extent 
That when They See You They Ask Did You Have a Good Holiday over the Festive Period
While Somebody was Hitt By Chemical Cosh and in Pain every day

And the Paragraph Above About Guilty 
The Other Patients During Your Humbling Journey Will Be Very Stupid if you're Older and Wiser
Many will Be Exactly as the Nurse Suggested and Liker the Chemical Cosh and Total in Agreement that The Nurse is Giving Them Something to Make them Supposedly Well Again
Many Do Stupid Things Like Tip There Head Back at the Counter for a Pill Which Is Totally unnecessary and Throwing it Back Could Cause Choking Hazard
and they are in the Act of Really Enjoying Her

But Just Remember Once Again That the Introduction of Chemical Cosh Had to be Done through a System of consent and hopefully for some that don't fall too far down the rabbit hole they can withdraw consent again while it is still looking good

Talker about Consent Long story Short the Labour Government made the CTO ACT in 2009 Later Came Conservative Government who are all about conserving money and giving it to the richer so all mental health patients have lost out from the two previous government

The CTO is a Looper Wrapper
Where once Consent is Asked For About a Pill at First
You Either Got to Tell a Fibber and Say Your Take It If You Learn the Consequences are your be injected if you don't if the Pill Option if Not Given in the First Place they Still Have to Ask for Consent to Injector and the CTO Makes it a Looper back Answer 
CTO Stands for Community Treatment Order
CTO Also Stands For Coercion Torture Looper Round and Around

If Someone Asks You About Consent and then Throws All well CTO is the Comment Again 
and then they Haven't Really Asked You About Consent
Without Consent, You Also Don't Have Capacity which is the Main Underlying Bases of How Mental Health Works It Is Only a Memory Game

Human-Being Memory Isn't Everything Our Mind Defences are Programmed to Block Certain Type of Horrible Memory from Plauging US
in it Simple Form You Wouldn't Be Expected to Have the Feel of Pain from Touch on a Burning Fire For After It Has Healed

And Also Understandable Where Memory is Blocked Out

Where a Pedophile Rape-er the Innocent of the First Contact Feeling with somebody and Also maybe with themselves if not passed that stage and that they Have Waiting to Arrive at Later on in Liver 
Complex Once Rape-er Taken Can't Be Replaced Can't Be Restored 
While the Infant Pre Maturity Has all them Later Yet to Learn The Desire to Haven't It Naturally as It Comes instead Get Rushed in and Frustration can seem quite daunting that some events come very much later in life
The Child is always hitting out against the system and it becomes a horror for all
Broken Relationships (Relationshapes) that have never fully told the answer Mean Later on they Might Live Alone Before they Work it all Out From Internet Pornography and then explore their body
The Initial Cry at Home in the First Instance Leaves Hostility for The System Hasn't Helped Them While Still Getting Chemical Coshed For Such Thing at the Tribunal a well Presentation Not the Shocking Subject want to be Brought up and Avoided if Approached
The Learning Curve Has a Get Through Approach that Only One on One Can Healer

Group Therapy is an Out the Window
Nothing Shocking for Groups

Unless it is some learning Curve Item 

If Your Lucky You May Just Come Thought it Old and Wise

You, Certain, Will Have Picked Up Your Own Style of Writing and thinking and Different thought Learn all the Times You Had Mind Blocks Going on
It is Only Your Mind Defense a System that helps you get through
You Mind has a Just as Powerfull Unconcious State that you don't really communicate with - with talk
That You Should Call You Inner Voice

I Strongly Recommend Getting a Lot Of Story Books in Audio Form for Listening in Hospital While You Wasting Time Story Telling and For Children Type Book There is a Lovely Female Reader on the Internet Audiobooks4Free.com Gone End Of that One
Get Through the Hostile Asylum System Without Being Clouted by Idiots 
Tool Yourself Up

A Pedophile as a Definition Ultimately a Thief

There are Other Worse and Similar Sin Going on All Around Everyday
1. The Tobacco Industry 
2. Killing Animals for Meat
3. Pharmacy
4. Opiate Suffering The Grasp of Opiate Addiction Rarely Lets Got _ Once had a Taste Never seem to Give it Up _ Compared to Robbery if One was to be in the same and a Taste of Robbery and Never Give Up Makes it hard to understand
5. Necrophilia is the Worst of all the Philia Sin Unfortunately Many branded Pedophile take it to the Extreme and Conduct Necrophilia while the label is always the same in theory when people use it for name calling
6. The Sex Offender Register is More wrong than a Sex Offender _ It's Wrong to Keep Lists of People _ Forgive the Sinner Not the Sin
7. Telephone Morons Out in the Public Street Giving People shell shocker in their ear on Buses and in public street They are the worst of them all  

Psychiatry Has It Own System of Pornography Back from the Days When Queerism was Illegal Read About it Begining with Alan Turing on Wikipedia

The Tests they Used to Do to See if Anyone Gets Turned on by different types of Pornography _ They are All a Bunch of Perverts

It Seems Odd Most Children Because of Child Porn By That I Mean Children Watching Internet Porn

And Pedophile are them Children Going to Grow Up Complaining Something Seriously Wrong Was Done to Them by the Adulthood
Asking the Children to Comprehend the P-Word

But Then They Just Sling It Around Like Children Do Like a Label all Over Again
And then the Teach of Nonse-er
This Never Happened when I Was a Child There wasn't the P-Word Flinging About
Even Though there were Dangerous People around
To Be Stuck Around Outdoor in the National Parks Downs Hills and Country Side and then have your path block by someone decided to masturbate Shocking Answer Not Only that they were Danergous with it because Once Caught Walking Past Again They Ask Some Dodgy Word to Ask You Take Part in it As Well That's the End of the story
While Locked in Confrontation
You seem to Break Away and Before Anything Psychical Contact Happening RAPE-ER While Young
Time to Grow Up Tuff 

P for Poop
Waste Management
Hardly a Case for Police Attention You end Up Working it Out in your Own Time and Space

Lucky if you can get out of all the Hazards that are likely to come your way
You Can Make a Better Person if You Never Robbed Theft anybody like a Pedophile Monster
That's what they were all doing in the Sixties Afterward Wanking up in the Hills Very Nonser to Children Underage

While Children Never Grew Up With Calling Adults a Dis-respective P-Word They Also Had a Long Range Leash to Go and Play in the Hills All Day
Simple Things Like Not to Talk With Strangers Existed and Not to Get in Any of their Vehicles
A Bit More Rhyming Stranger Danger Came Later On

If You Haven't Got a Hope of Finding the Attacker The Police Will Ask You Don't Chirp it Up

A Bit Like Taking a TRIPPER of LSD and Once Consumed Don't Be Crying on the Police that Some Powerful Substance sold by some dealer Once Consumed That's It Evidence Gone#
Same Psychiatry Chemical Cosh

And New Now-a-Day Anybody Victim Of Paedophile Behaviour Is Entilited to Large Sum of Compensation Paid by the System But Only If They Catch the Attacker
Q> Where You Get All Your Money From _ Only From a Paedophile Behaviour Like the Pedo Woo Give Out Sweets Same Thing and Back Again
You Must Be a Stupid Victim

They Talk the Administer of the Chemical Cosh Inject is Only Some Slight Pain Prick at the Administer of it Being Done
and Some Sort of Theory 
that for the Rest of the Month there shall not be any feeling of pain at all for some strange reason

We All Know the Ice Cream Headaches and Fever Trying to Withdraw 
So These are Powerfully Addictive Chemical Coshing
and to Withdraw is taking some part of your body away
The Same as When It Was Put in

You Wouldn't Inject Yourself with an Onion or Peppy Spray a Snake Fang Bite Makes Your Blood Curdle

You Can't-Do Going Out Anywhere Shopping Market While Programmed Everyone Else Maybe at an Advantage over you Disadvantaged
or a Stroll through town
You Sit Indoors Suffercating all Day
in Your room in the Community Which Most Likely is Smaller than a Prison-Cell for Walking up and Down in

See Top of this Messenger
It is Very Hard to Be a Computer Programmer when the Visual Language Has a Button Called Label
You Can't Program Something which is a Based So Much on Label's and at the Same Time Block Out that You Are Being Hitt Over the Head By a Chemical Cosh
You Can't Work a Computer programmer with a Pin Under Your Bum
That Is How Computers Bloody Science and Bill Gates and Apple and Science are All Shitter_

If You Don't Believe in Science and You Don't Also Want to Believe in Something as the Word of the Lord and Bible

You Might as Well Be a Layman Builder as a Lot of them are Like That Including my Father That Seem to Have it Enjoying my Spells at Being Locked Up
Only to Find For Myself That Doing a Stint of Time and Getting My Own Release is the Only Way to Go
Soon My Next of Kin Will Be Me is the Eldest in the Family I'm Eldest out of the Children
Which in Law has a Few Perks and Privileges
Non-one Comes To My Home That I Don't Want to Let in
If In Doubt Keep em Out
If Someone Hasn't Arranged to Come Around and I Find them There Harassing
I Will Call Their Sergeant or Inspector at the Police Station and Ask to Go for an Interview or Something

Dodgy Magistrate Orders Sorting Parking Offenses All Day
It Took You that Much effort to Print off some Paper to Bash My Door Way in

and You Didn't Even Communicate with Me

And My Solicitor 
and the Door Won't Be Answer for Long Enough 

So That All Of That Can Be Done

But it is Hard to Knock My Daddy He Always Gave Us Three Children Ample Christmas Present and all the way through

But Never Paid Much when went to work for him £20 for a full day of hard graft because of he an asshole He always thought work was more important than homely Life But Vice versa It hard to bring up three with My Mother Linda guess I would never make it for fatherhood Still all the same punishing with chemical cosh and be doing acting like its not happening while it is

And When the Door Maybe Comes to Opening Because of Pushy Rent-o-Muscle Rent-Boy Young Thug Police working for a - Pen-Pusher - Why You Burn Your Brothers House Down 

When You Door Gets Answered It Will Be on a Chain and If It Gets Pushy Like Ramming in when Their Orginal Brow-Bashing Questions for Arrival Happen and Them Questions Get Answered and Your be Knocked Back a 100 Times Harder 
Which Fail on Them
Which Will Happen I Don't Do AWOL Anymore as I Don't Have Anywhere to Run To I'm Not Going to Abandon My Home and Go Running Somewhere
And All Meeting Appointments Are Attended and they are extended extra long hour meetings Part of the at Home AOT Assertive Outreach Team Extra Supervision 

Rather Stupid to Use the AWOL as a Question and try and falsify it on by saying missed calls and things like trickery this and that may have happened but get proved wrong by photo screenshots of my telephone

The Only Way I See It is With Their Staff Fail to Communicate when Comes down to It There is Going to be a Repeat Admission

It is Absolutely Crackers that they think they can handle it this way without communication

It Cracks You Up Doesn't Bear Thinking About

The Only Way is to Make Them So Stiff Scared they Won't Attempt it Again and they Do Admit it when they Messed up Totally

Significantly Less Chance of Success for them every time they called it a failed mission after the event of knocking on my door

Exactly like Vietnam Was in the Jungle when the Final Straw was Entering the Door to the Vietnam Country Leader 
And the Saying Went Along the Lines of "Now What are you Asking For"
In that War Strategy, it was called the Ending of Failure for the Attacker USA Military Force

From The USA Attackers Point of View, the Person Behind the Desk Was Sitting there Waiting for them to Enter Prepared for Delivery Question

"What Next" _ "Looks Like You Got a Lot of Cleaning Up To Do"
The Forests are full of Agent Orange
Hiroshima & Christmas Island Took a Nuclear Wipe out Vaporising Land Based Nuke Bomb
One Male from the Plane above Pressed the Nuke Bomb Trigger albeit under instruction

1960's Anti-War Messenger Music Called For

Your Constant Fight Against Chemical Cosh Means You Lose Track of the Word Play Thing You Used to Find Amusing Before Losing you Memories and Humour
Because of the 24 Hour Fight Battling the Injection self Beating Yourself Up - Someone Else Put it There

They Bullies do that thing they (Staff) are Sad Individuals
and With Pharmacy Behind them, they are so Bigg Headed that they are Above the Law

I'm a Doctor and with Staff, We Call the Cops on People on the Telephone Mobile

It Would Be Handsome if a Police Car Pulled them Over One Day Only to Find Out they Were Up to Something Breaking the Law as I'm Sure they are All Up-to
I'm a Professional NHS Staff Caring Nurse Please Let Me on My Way, Officer

Not all Police Officer Think You (Psychiatry) are So Great Professional as Many You have Harmed their Parents in the Our Secret Society

Enough Said

Over and Out
[ Friday 00:32:20 Am_30 March 2018 ] The UK
[ Thursday 23:32:20 Am_29 March 2018 ] BST BDT DST DLS 1 Hour Ahead UTC+1 CET

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