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Saturday 21 April 2018

AutoKey -- 02-(SAVE AS) KEY ENTER.ahk

All The Coder Project Set Are Now With GitHub
Where Maintain UpToDate All the Time
Matthew-Lancaster/Matthew-Lancaster: A Collection of Scripts For AutohotKeys, Dos Batch Command, VBScript, VB6, VB2008, Grub4Dos, Reg Keys, Win Powershell, SMTP


The Project Here At GitGub
Matthew-Lancaster/Autokey -- 02-SAVE AS KEY ENTER.ahk

[ Tuesday 10:30:00 Am_07 May 2019 ]

AutoHotKeys Project Code to Use Press Enter Key on (Save As) Window Dialogue in Chrome.exe & Pause On a Timer 120 Sec When Chrome.exe Gone

[ Saturday 08:41:40 Am_21 April 2018 ]

;# __ 
;# __ Autokey -- 02-SAVE AS KEY ENTER.ahk
;# __ 
;# BY Matthew __ Matt.Lan@Btinternet.com
;# __ 
;# Thu 25 Aug 2016 01:47:51 Work Time Beginner
;# Thu 25 Aug 2016 03:00:00 3 Hour
;# Thu 25-Aug-2016 06:16:41 2nd Wave of Work Better Coder Emerged
;# Thu 25-Aug-2016 16:31:00 40 Minute
;# Thu 25-Aug-2016 11:20:00 3RD WAVE 
;# Thu 25-Aug-2016 16:31:00 5 & Half Hour
;# Sat 21-Apr-2018 07:24:30 4TH WAVE Massively Better
;# Sat 21-Apr-2018 08:28:00 1 Hour
;# __ 

; AutoHotKeys Project Code to User Press Enter Key on (Save As) Window  Dialogue in Chrome.exe & Exit On a Timer 120 Sec When Chrome.exe Gone

; First Wave Bash
; ---------------
; Thu 25 Aug 2016 01:47:51 -- Length Time 1hr 45M - Finish Code
; Thu 25 Aug 2016 02:35:00 -- Length Time+2hr 30M - Fine Tune & Doc
; Thu 25 Aug 2016 03:00:00 -- Length Time+3hr 00M - Publish On-line

; A Second Session Bash __ Dawn
; ------------------------------------------------
; Thu 25-Aug-2016 06:16:41 --
; Thu 25 Aug 2016 07:00:00 -- Length Time 0 hr 40 Min -- Tune Doc & Publish

; A Third Session Bash __ Morning
; Thu 25-Aug-2016 11:20:00 
; Thu 25-Aug-2016 14:59:29
; Thu 25-Aug-2016 16:31:00 -- 11 TO 4pm 5 Half Hour Hurt Ouch

; A Fourth Session Improved Code Dramatically
; ------------------------------------------
; Sat 21-Apr-2018 07:24:30 -- BEGINNER
; Sat 21-Apr-2018 08:28:00 -- 1 HOUR WITH PUBLISH ON-LINE

; 2nd Project in a Line of AutoKey -- First On Blogger Here
; This is All Copy Paste in and Go Project for AutoHotKeys Working
; Building Block Head Start

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance force
; SingleInstance Force Reduce Question at Reload

; A code block to use around --- Persistent


SoundBeep , 2000 , 200
SoundBeep , 2500 , 100

soundbeep , 1100,100

SetTimer TIMER_Main_Code,1000



    If WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
        WinGet, HWND, ID, Save As
        WinGetClass, This_Class, ahk_id %HWND%
        WinGet, path, ProcessName, ahk_id %HWND%
        WinGetText, OutputVar, ahk_id %HWND%
        WinGetPos, WinLeft, WinTop, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %HWND%

        ; Multiple If-And Statement With Separated Lines
        ; ----------------------------------------------
        IF (This_Class="#32770" 
        and PATH="Chrome.exe")
            SoundBeep , 1200, 100
            SoundBeep , 2500 , 100
            ControlClick, &Save, Save As
    WinGet, HWND, ID, A
    WinGetClass, This_Class, ahk_id %HWND%
    IF This_Class=Chrome_WidgetWin_1 
        Var_Count = 0

    IF This_Class <> Chrome_WidgetWin_1 
        Var_Count += 1
    if Var_Count > 120
            SoundBeep , 1100,100
            SoundBeep , 1100,100
            Var_Count = 0

if ScriptInstanceExist()

ScriptInstanceExist() {
    static title := " - AutoHotkey v" A_AhkVersion
    dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    WinGet, match, List, % A_ScriptFullPath . title
    DetectHiddenWindows, % dhw
    return (match > 1)

;# ------------------------------------------------------------------
EOF:                           ; on exit
;# ------------------------------------------------------------------

; Register a function to be called on exit:

; Register an object to be called on exit:
OnExit(ObjBindMethod(MyObject, "Exiting"))

;# ------------------------------------------------------------------
ExitFunc(ExitReason, ExitCode)
    if ExitReason not in Logoff,Shutdown
        ;MsgBox, 4, , Are you sure you want to exit?
        ;IfMsgBox, No
        ;    return 1  ; OnExit functions must return non-zero to prevent exit.
    ; Do not call ExitApp -- that would prevent other OnExit functions from being called.

class MyObject
        ;MsgBox, MyObject is cleaning up prior to exiting...
;# ------------------------------------------------------------------
; exit the app

; Work Note Rather Novice at First Began
; Yes Fixed the Error Variable Increment -- Seem Like a C++ Method Style -- TEST_VAR += 1

; This Program Has Problem in Win 10 The Dialog to Save Do Stay So Move On After Save to Next Icon to Do Save JPG Screenshot
; ----
; Save as Shortcut - Chrome Web Store
; https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-as-shortcut/flehofiklehmnnolpjcamplcnmhgcbkk?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
; ----

; A Tip to Learn With This Program is 
; When Ask to Save Select JPG From PNG and It will Remember
; ----
; Capture Webpage Screenshot Entirely. FireShot - Chrome Web Store
; https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/capture-webpage-screensho/mcbpblocgmgfnpjjppndjkmgjaogfceg?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
; ----
; Work Logg -- Start time not that clear
; Yes Found Time Begin Phew Charging Someone for This Automation -- RSI Injury

; Info Note

; Use of these 4 Link in Turn to Save Page of the Chrome Extension
; 1.. Copy All Urls - Chrome Web Store
; 2.. Save as Shortcut - Chrome Web Store
; 3.. Capture Webpage Screenshot Entirely. FireShot - Chrome Web Store
; 4.. SingleFile - Chrome Web Store -- to Save an HTML Version

;Ref: - Credit to Source Helper Ref:
;AutoKey Source to Learn
;Begin Here Google Search
;How to save files using Enter key? - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community

;AutoKey Info Help Web

;Chrome Extension

;This One not Much To do With Here But Still Used
;Copy All Urls - Chrome Web Store

;Yes Save to URL to Download Folder
;Save as Shortcut - Chrome Web Store

;This One Save Auto to Download Folder Without Our Coding Requirement
;Capture Webpage Screenshot Entirely. FireShot - Chrome Web Store

;As Well as Save Screen Shot About Do a Web Page HTML Save also
;Be Good If Done Without an Extra Ask to Download Save As
;But Setup to Store a Page on a Web On-line Auto -- PageArchiver
;SingleFile - Chrome Web Store

;WinGet nChromeWindows, Count, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1

;[Solved] How to get the hwnd of the current script - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community
;ThisScriptsHWND := WinExist("Ahk_PID " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"))
;msgbox %ThisScriptsHWND% is this script's HWND

;Don't stay RSI -Save Me- if Form Change
;WinGetTitle, active_title, A
;IF active_title <> O_active_title
;    SoundBeep
;    break
;O_active_title = %active_title%

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