Pole Magnet Checkmate Shoot Blog Post-Pillar Erection Mast Staff Woody Boner Message Delivery Slice of Toast Cut Section Blade Scythe Slit Slip Tool Member Syringe Micro Lance Piston Hypodermic Sharp Knife Sword Blade Skewer Scalpel Tip Junk Yard Tooltip Pin Cripple Ripple Point Prick Spike Cactus Point Teeth Locksmith Pickar Chisel Hack Saw Chain Saw Microscopic Spot Bit Byte Biter Mosquito Throw Missile Conscious Nail Digit Finger Solder Iron Silver Needle Bayonet Spear Axe Segment Selection Matrix Port Selector Mixer Unit Switch Opposite Obstacle Counter Anti Pro Con Fuck Stick Bullet Proof Flame Proof Water Proof Shock Proof Future Proof Pilot Pen Squawk Code 7500 Seven Five Man With A Knife Profane Pen Shakespeare Macbeth Romeo Juliet Arrow Heart Pump Red-Stop Traffic Passion-Go Vocabulary-Constabulary Mind Police Thought Police Audio Book Mind Reader Telepathy Silver Door

Saturday 3 September 2016

Blogger Intro a 1st in September

RoidsRim Rub.Rim@Gmail.com Created 03-Mar-2007
alias handle invention use on USENET
USENET is Quite Hard for Me to Access Again

Quote Wiki ----
Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google bought in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007
Quote Wiki ----
Initial release Sep 23, 2008
Quote Wiki ----
In Jul 2005, Google acquired Android Inc. for at least $50 million
Quote Wiki ----
Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (headed design and interface development at WebTV)

Not a Trade Name
Just Pointing in the Right Direction
About The Player Leading the Way
My First Use of the Term was Starting Hospital Left And OutPatient Wither Around
Sun 29/Mar/1998 - 02:43:44 PM
Paranoid Android Hypochondriac
Which is Close on Radio Head Musick
And then Bigger Time Around the Time At Jun 2007 with Like Like Like
On Message SMS on the Palm Pilot -- Sign-Offs
Roids McOids Androids Humanoids Ripple Roids
My Contact Friend Andrew Nickname by SMS Contact Telecomm Bless His Stardust Opiate Sufferer Heart Pre 2003 2011 When USENET Nickname Sake ANDROID Catch 22

Well I Had a Little Run in Tragedy in My Working Career
After Over a Year in Hospital Like an Isolation Department and Pity as there are Not Many Housing Project About
After the Year Near End I was to stay at a Hostel Hospital Ward in the Community of Sobby Hove a Million Pound Building
And Was Kindly Asked by the Female Psyche Doctor If I would Take a Male Team From Her -- Accepted
And there was a Development of the New Starwards Giving Back some Order to the Patient
things that Go Wrong
Not Queuing Up for a Chemical Cosh
and the Staff Deliver It to the Patient Room
But that Will Make Later on to Find Out
Favouritism between Patient Staff as Certain Patient Clearly Never
That Favouritism is Called Funny Business

and Another was the Intro of an STR Worker who Would Work Alongside CPN Qualify
and they Are to Spend an Hour Weekly With Patient Whatever Helping Shopping Going Out Anywhere
Cafe, Walk, PCworld
Extra Story About Release Operate them Community Get together

the Tragedy Was the Male STR Gave Me Learn Computer Stuff
But While Asking It Decided Without telling Me I Made a Fibber
That Led to a Section Quite Unpleasant and Knowing from Later It was Written in Documentation Given Also Had the Impact of Me Doing a Runner in Winter November Slipping out the Door Was Asking About Section I that agree on Voultry By Persuade them 3 Male accepting that who had to bust my door off although I didn't secure it enough one little step more and would have made very difficult
quite a few night on the run and not all a warm hotel in winter sub naught zero existed arrived at hospital missing person hunt search and then erupt ruckus couple of day sleeper first

Plus I was woken in a crack of Dawn Sun-Rise raid while holding up traffic out my morning bottom
After the Fibber Idea, I was Pushed that I Move to the  AOT department and Leave a CPN Based
CPN are Less Frequent But the STR Involvement while is expected begin liver on own would maintain once week

Rears It Ugly Head
They Like The Dark
Bum Burglary

Grab The Bull By The Horns
Pen Pusher
Run For Cover
Stick Your Head In The Sand
Avoid The Issue Won't Win The Argument
Cover It Up Under The Carpet
Ignore The Problem In The Hope It Will Go Away
What If It Doesn't and then Problem Ten Times Bigger - Ignore It Again
Initiative Opportunity Taking The Lead
Strike While the Iron is Hot
Fire Brigade Ignore The Problem
Direct Or Indirect Or Another Method
Mountain Won't Come to Mohammed And then Mohammed Will go to the Mountain
Don't Do Shit and Then There Won't Be Shit
Idle Hands Are the Devil's Workshop
A good beginning makes a good ending
Mac Beth
Pen Pusher
If Your in a Workshop and You Break One Of the Tools Your Supposed to Tell the Boss So It Is Able to Restock Not Hide It -- Or Your find Later Not Got a Tool for the Job --
Own Up -- Honesty Cheats Never Prosper

the Tragedy is without mention the beginning
I Left the Hostel after a Year Training of Referral Room Completed Successfully Leaving on a Practice Run of Tightest Budget Shopping £20 a Week Cooker

Ater 1 Year at Hospital and One Year at Hostel NHS
I was moved Back to the NHS ward the Transition to Accept Move in AOT Failed the Telephone Link was a One Way Talk a Male Called and ask If I Accept He wanted about to get to Know Me
and I Reply Word to Effect that Will Have to Be Mutual
But Communication failure He Never what to reply to that and end Call and Ring Up again Another day

And After 1 Year at Hospital and One Year at Hostel NHS
I was moved Back to the NHS ward
There was the 1st ever Swap of Psychi Doctor
as they Had a Change Around Themselves Not Only Starwards for Patient
and Now Ever Ward Has Separated Gender
Not all of them
only East Sussex
and a Psychi Doctor is Assigned to a Ward as Head of the Ward With Single Duties of their Own and Cozy Company
Of that Meaning Any Entry to Ward they Doctor Will Not Know of Anything the Patient

What More I Had Spent 2 Year on Ward Without any Trouble
yet they Wanted to Get the Blade on Me Injection
Of Which Occurred the Biggest Ruckus Violent Fight Regularly Many Month Initial I could Back them Off Completely Regularly
But soon Get Tired of that With Chemical Cosh Tablet

The Last Straw was to Bust in My Room Submit that way
that always Happen once in a two-week span or or less week and a PMVA Ten Strong Team
Which Man the Ward Staff from All Other Ward Temporarily Shutting Down Operation in a Standoff for Hours before making the Strike ignite the Attack initiated by them
the Event Bust in Room Meant I Had Multiple Injection Hole as Multiple Blade Stab Point as the Struggle wasn't safe enough to get it the blade in and keep it there Long Enough to finish and unload it the Dirty Chemical Cosh
Bum Wiggler
As You see the New Ward Doctor and a Whole Staff Team Change Around
Not Familiar I spend to Year on the Ward Safely
This Story Goes On ---- I'm Afraid too Long to Cover the Whole Picture If You got a Spare Life Time Cat of Nine Liver

so that was one Event of two
I Quickly Refused the Blade Upon Release
and Spent a Time In West Sussex Hospital Gender Mixed My Request after another Year as First Accommodation Failed
Problem Happen With Psychiatry
and another year again at same property trying it again with the problem of before still exist
That Time Let Hell Loose of the Copper Police Constabulary Arrive PC117 and PC2?? <Edit in Later> Arrive I had another 3rd Totally Secured Door
They Blast it Off Like 1st But Easier

and They Had Video Film Jacket -- WTF -- So Did I CCSS CCSE CCTV Not Watched It Yet
And Battery Backup to Last Long After I Left room and Power Shut Down

and that time after all the Knocks I took It resume the Blade from Before
and of the Time Before thy wanted It Switch to Another Chemical Cosh Name But I Would Take It After Bladed on Me Once
as Talk the Change was to Dramatic Hurting
But that Went Written On the Back Card of the 7+-1% Different type Given Previous History
and this One Began With the word P for POOP
Before was an R for Roller

and after the Knock Took It Passive Aggressively the Blade Given for a Many Year
Most Horrible Setting Waiting Room With Camera CCTV Point at You Short Distance Away
But Soon Arrived at My Senses And Put a Stop on It
One Inject a Student Fumbling female Idiot Got Ordered to Push It the Blade In
and was Asking Her Clinic Co-work if was the Place to Sticker BUM
and then Shot It High in My Back Top Well Over BUM
I Shout at them two Female to Pull it Out and the Blade too High Up
the Senior Nurse Asked Have you done the Pull Back Syringe Back to Check Not got a Direct in in Vain Watch the Blood Back In Tube if Any
(Never in Year Had a Stop Heard of for that)
And that Pull Back Check Done talk respond yes done
and then the Senior Told Push it in then
After I talk Out order that One
She Senior Talk It Don't Matter that Blade can go in Anywhere
Contradiction My Kind Nurse Warning Early Day was It Only Has to Be Slightly Out of Place Wrong
and Can Paralyze you a Broken Back

Nothing to Do With Me
Funny Business -- If You Play With White Sugar Opiates and thing
And then Answer to Money Laundering ML MicroLance Blade
I Have a Friend that Abuse Suffering That One
But And Me Only Done Bit of POT on Pocket Money and get a Load of POOP Injection
I don't Support Rich Superclass Parent and their Spoiled Brat Children in Upper High Superclass Hove Area Unless You Ask Me - Which you Have Not

One Other thing the Violent Blade Wielding Doctor who never met me hardly and Staff Were in the Doctor Acquired Owner of Ward last Year of Employment Along With Staff and Doctor Work the Patient Have Homeowner Right on the Ward Try Geneva Convention Only Other thing Left is go to the Police Department if the Doctor don't take Priority -- Get a Law Solicitor When Communication Blocked a Liberty that will open it up - Story ----

Yes He was In for Retirement Within the Last Year Career
And Some to Lavish Himself Having About ten Massive Vehicle to Drive to Work in Sizes and Expensive
and Own a Ten Bedroom House in Center Brighton

Summary Conclusion
I got Move for the Opinion of an STR that I told a Fibber and rather than tell me honestly took it in a secret Work Around than Direct About the Problem
Near End, I Already Made the STR Confess with an Apology and Another Attempt Before
When the talk about Technology that was Far Above His Understanding to Absorb
And I Miss Out on a Whole Part of My Life and Chemical Poo Cosh Straight Jacket
When the Look at Technology Now Quad CPU 4 Parallel Processor CPU with Each has 2 Logical Making 8 Processor in task manager
University is a Career in Medical
But Technology Science Is Not
Leave School After Technology Science and Look for a Career
Some Other People Seem to Take a Large Chuck of University With Them When They Leave in Technology Science
Especially On-Line Look at "Grinbook FB" and
Another One "Hide My ASS VPN"
But Medical Science and the School University Stay With You

Eat Your Word Fool Can't Keep Up -- Get Out the Kitchen
Put Me in the Delinquent Department Because You Imagine you Hear a Fibber Due to Your Lack of Experience in Another Person Career Path
and then you Prove Wrong After My Resume from Daze of dozy Chemical Cosh
With Horrible Tardive Dystonia of Saturated Injection Blood-Curdling Pooper
Pain -- Hurting -- and then ask question of type side effect how do you feel
You should Know what -- you give should feel like
as Jesus Said Do Unto Another what you would Yourself
Or Opposite
as Jesus, Said Don't Do Unto Another what you would not Yourself
Take the Spec Out Your EYE
Stick a Big Needle in Your Eye
Put Me in the Delinquent Department AOT -- Aware of There -- From POT to AOT - Office of POT

And this is the Example of What it Was What Went Wrong
Nearly a Decade Later to Recover After Multiple Unnecessary Chemical Cosh Attack From the Supposed Expert Profession Called Psychiatry The Professors of Spotting a Phoney Faker Expert
Once in the Delinquent Department AOT They Raise the Supervision Maximum to Weekly And More And Won't Be Interested in Fibber Anymore And Arm themselves into Bullshite Mode of Maximum Fibber Cannon Fodder from their Point of View Approach
Expertly Supposedly Enough to Call Themselves Never to Make a Mistake as Quote Error Free
I can Dig that One Quote Out for Sure

If I Tell It Now Like I Managed It Report talk to Officer -- Not a Reply Answer back in Return
Cat Got Your Tongue -- Butter Wouldn't Melt in Your Mouth
Walk Away And Discuss it to Themselves Team -- But Ignorance when involvement is Direct
Creating the Problems They Are Trying to Prevent Catch 22
Another Learn By their Psychiatry Mistake Not to Repeat it Again -- Ha Ha Oops
Hello World Check Out the Technology Fool... - Matthew Lancaster

Technology Science -- Integrated Circuit
Whatever Came Up with Intel
IC an Info Technology -- Intelligence and Logic
Might Make a Good Rhymer But -- Put Intel on It Why ?-- Silicon Valley
Make It Look, Idiot

Especially they Way Medical Science Have Been Operating It Since Win XP
and University Which Supply all the Technology Science With NHS
University has got too big for their boffin Big head by the Way they Operate with the GP
and are breaking the LAW
and is About time they Owned Up and Came Forward before they dig themselves in a bigger mess

End of Story

Also, Note With Reflection Of here Writing
on Tue 13 September
It Is Not All Pessimism
With The High Supervision of AOT Once a Week and More
When Looking Back at CPN Base Support Another Side The Entry To System Side
CPN Has It Many Problem Of Not Frequent Enough
AOT Once a Week Or More If Wanted
With That, I Stop Chemical Cosh With Agreement at Meeting After I Already Decided Myself wanted stop them after suffer had been enough already of chemical cosh
That Would Lead to Taken Away From CTO Pressure to Not Breach Rule Of Engagement
and I Also Get Meeting with CPA
So All Clear Plain Sailing Nothing Report is Made
And I Also Get the Whole Team Out for a Walk Rather Than Four Wall
Include the Doctor  in that Walker

2nd Edit Cleared Up Grammar and Spelling
Good Morning Tuesday 8 am

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